Due to growing globalization and economic liberalization around the world, the twenty-first century saw the growth of “Intellectual Capital” as a significant wealth driver of international trade between nations. Whether in the form of new statutes or judicial declarations, intellectual property rights have grown to be an indispensable component of India’s business community. India’s acceptance of the WTO agreement has made it possible for it to comply with TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). The intellectual property laws in India are examined in this article, with a focus on the changes made by TRIPS.
Our Intellectual Property (IP) lawyers advice across the life cycle of patents, designs, trademarks, copyrights, plant varieties, domain names, geographical indications, biodiversity matters, trade secrets and confidential information.
Our firm helps us understand your ideas and inventions. We serve a collage of technical fields, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, electronics, semiconductors, fast-moving consumer goods, luxury goods and technologically advanced startups. We understand the importance of protecting your competitive advantage and we offer a full portfolio of intellectual property services, including:
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