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Buying a new home can be very difficult, particularly for first-time buyers. There are so many intricate stages to complete before buying a house initially, and the terminology employed is rife with legalese and jargon, adding to the overall confusion. Let us clarify the procedure for you and provide a straightforward explanation of Indian real estate regulations.

Indeed the industry has recently taken some major beating due to the double whammy of demonetization as well as the Real Estate Regulation Act, which have introduced unprecedented discipline into the industry. However, the strict laws have also made the entire industry more trustworthy and are likely to result in an increase in prosperity of the sector over the long term.

Most of the work have been increasing in the following types of matters: disputes with consumers, disputes between builders and unpaid vendors, registration of new projects under RERA, real estate agreements, various registrations and building permits, compliance, Benami property-related cases, disputes over the lease and illegal encroachment of property, housing society disputes, property disputes and litigation.


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